Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Types

Kasım 2, 2021 Yazarı Pollster 0
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Types

What are examples of obsessive compulsive disorder? How many different types of OCD are there? Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Types…

What are the Types of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

  • Thought obsession, obsessive thinking
  • Obsessive sexual disorder
  • Religious obsessive compulsive disorder
  • Number Obsession Disease
  • Obsessive cleaning disorder
  • Compulsive talking obsession
  • Symmetry obsession
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder sexual obsessions
  • Disease of being obsessed with someone
  • Obsession with perfectionism
  • Hair obsession
  • Am I beautiful or ugly obsession
  • Obsession with getting old
  • Obsession with marriage
  • Obsession with control
  • Such as obsession with the past etc…

Obsession Types

The obsessions that are part of OCD generally (but not always) split the following basic categories.

Obsession With Doing Harm and Making Mistakes

People with such obsessions have intense anxiety and worry about the following issues.

  • Making mistakes that harm other people
  • Harming another person because of their own carelessness
  • Being responsible for disasters such as fire and the like
  • Inability to prevent something bad or terrible from happening
  • Hitting someone with a car
  • Numbers or words related to misfortunes or catastrophes (for example, “9/11″,”13”)

Contamination Obsessions

People with such obsessions have intense anxiety and attention about the following issues.

  • Getting sick from contamination
  • Bodily wastes or body fluids (blood, saliva, urine)
  • Dirt and microbes
  • Toxic chemicals or other drugs (pesticides, fertilizers, asbestos, cleaning fluids)
  • Contact with specific places or people
  • Germs and diseases from animals or insects
  • Infecting other people (This is within the scope of contagion and responsibility obsession)
  • Feeling how disgusting it is to be “contaminated” with something

Order and Symmetry Obsessions

The minds of people with this type of obsession are often preoccupied with the following issues.

  • Sequence and precision
  • The thought that something is not arranged correctly
  • The need for left-right balance and symmetry
  • Odd or even numbers

Obsessions With Violence and Responsibility

People with this type of obsession have unwanted thoughts, imaginations, and intense fears about the following issues.

  • Harming people or animals you don’t want to hurt
  • Imaginations and thoughts of violence
  • Words associated with violence (death, murder, gun)
  • Involuntary self-harm (not suicidal thoughts)
  • Obscenity, racist remarks, insults and swear words
  • Thoughts of acting with unwanted, aggressive impulses

Sexual Obsessions

People with this type of obsession have unwanted thoughts, imaginations, impulses and intense fears about the following issues.

  • Forbidden or taboo sexual matters (adultery, rape)
  • Homosexuality (if you are heterosexual) or heterosexuality (if you are homosexual)
  • Child abuse, incest, or having sex with animals
  • Be perverted

Religion and Moral Obsessions

People with this type of obsession have unwanted thoughts, imaginations, suspicions and intense fears about the following issues.

  • Blasphemy and disrespect for sacred values
  • Thoughts on whether you can fulfill the requirements of your religion well enough
  • Your relationship with God
  • Sin, hell and punishment
  • Morality, right and wrong
  • Unwanted or immoral matters

Other Obsessions

Minds of some obsessive people are usually preoccupied with the following issues and may experience intense fear.

  • Having or diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer
  • Having a disorder other than OCD (for example, schizophrenia)
  • Issues related to your physical appearance

You can also look: Symptoms and Causes of OCD

You may also be interested in this article: Religious Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

You can also share your thoughts about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Types and, if any, your obsessions like the ones above, in the comments section…

Last Edited: January 29, 2024