Expansion of Time

Kasım 27, 2021 Yazarı Pollster 0
Expansion of Time

Special Relativity Theory

The Special Relativity Theory briefly explains the expansion of time and the physics of objects at speeds near to the speed of light. The theory has three main implications:

  • The speed of light is the fastest possible speed in the universe. And all observers measure the speed of light the same, regardless of their motion. Albert Einstein expressed this statement as the principle of relativity as follows: All the basic laws of physics are the same for non-accelerating observers.
  • There is no fixed reference point in the universe from which all velocities can be measured. In other words, there is no way to tell what is moving and what is standing still in the universe. Only the relative velocities of objects with respect to each other can be mentioned.
  • Space and time cannot be considered independently of each other. The two are a single structure called space-time. In addition, it is not possible to talk about a universal time concept. The speed of time changes depending on the relative speed of the observers with respect to each other.

What is the Expansion of Time?

Time dilation is the different perception of time in magnitude depending on velocity. Clocks on the space shuttle may run slightly slower than reference clocks on Earth. While GPS and Galileo satellite clocks run a little faster, such time dilations of atomic clocks on earth and small inequalities in space have been proven over and over again. Time exists because of gravity or velocity or because of nature’s own laws to cause differences (i.e. space-time). Each affects time in different ways.



The fact that two running clocks report different times after moving different speeds explains the time dilation. For example, when astronauts return from a mission, they are younger than if they were on the ground. And it is necessary to set the GPS to similar warping of space-time, because satellites work in coordination with earth systems.

Expansion of time remained an unproven theory until 13 years after Einstein proposed it. Later, real physical examples of this delay began to be observed by scientists in particle physics. For example, this is encountered in the disintegration of a set of particles smaller than atoms, called mesons, whose masses are between the masses of electrons and protons. Under normal conditions, these particles are extremely short-lived; They spontaneously separate into electrons and neutrinos. Physicists have found that this fragmentation is somewhat delayed at extremely high speeds approaching the speed of light.

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January 7, 2024