How Many Kilos of Chickpeas Are Planted in One Acre?

Mart 21, 2022 Yazarı Pollster 0
how many kilos of chickpeas are planted in one acre

How many kilos of chickpeas are planted in one acre? How many kilograms of chickpeas are produced from 1 acre? How many kilograms of chickpeas are planted in 1 acre of field? How many kg of chickpeas are planted per acre? How many kg does chickpea yield per acre? How many kilograms of chickpeas are planted in one acre? How many kilograms of chickpeas are planted per decare? How many kilograms of chickpeas are planted per acre? How many kg of chickpeas are planted on 1 acre of land? How much do chickpeas yield? And many similar questions are frequently asked by people who want to produce chickpeas.

How Many Kilos of Chickpeas Are Planted in One Decare?

In chickpea planting with seeder, 12 to 14 kilograms of seeds are thrown per decare. 15 kilograms of chickpeas will be sufficient for sowing by sprinkling.

How Many Kilos of Chickpeas Are Taken From One Decare?

When a good variety of chickpea is used and suitable conditions are provided, approximately 300-400 kilograms of chickpeas are obtained from one decare.

How Many Kilos of Chickpeas Are Planted in One Acre?

In chickpea planting with seeder, 49 to 57 kilograms of seeds are thrown per acre. 61 kilograms of chickpeas will be sufficient for sowing by sprinkling.

How Many Kilos of Chickpeas Are Taken From One Acre?

When a good variety of chickpea is used and suitable conditions are provided, approximately 1200-1600 kilograms of chickpeas are obtained from one acre.

How Many Kilos of Chickpeas Are Planted in One Hectare?

In chickpea planting with seeder, 120 to 140 kilograms of seeds are thrown per hectare. 150 kilograms of chickpeas will be sufficient for sowing by sprinkling.

How Many Kilos of Chickpeas Are Taken From One Hectare?

When a good variety of chickpea is used and suitable conditions are provided, approximately 3000-4000 kilograms of chickpeas are obtained from one hectare.

When to Plant Chickpeas?

Since chickpea is a summer plant, its cultivation is done in spring. To determine a general time period, we can say that the period between March 15 and April 30 is the appropriate time for chickpea planting. Chickpeas can also be planted in May.

How Long Does It Take for Chickpeas to Grow?

Chickpea becomes suitable for harvesting approximately 90-120 days after planting. Fresh chickpeas consumed as green can be obtained 2-3 months after planting.

How to Plant Chickpeas?

It is best to plant chickpeas at a depth of 5-8 cm. In deeper plantings, germination and emergence time may be extended, a decrease in flowering rate and accordingly a decrease in the number of pods that the plant will form can be observed. This situations cause lower yields. However, in cases where the planting process is delayed or the top part of the soil is dry, sowing can be done to a depth of 10-15 cm, thus ensuring that the seed is left in a moist environment and its emergence is guaranteed.

Chickpeas can be planted in the form of scattering, or it can be planted in rows by machine.

  • Planting chickpeas in rows provides an advantage in terms of weed control.
  • Distance between the rows can vary from 15 cm to 100 cm.
  • When the number of plants per decare is kept constant, varieties planted in narrowly spaced rows such as 15-20 cm yield more than varieties planted in widely speaced rows such as 90-100 cm. In addition, since weeds will be in the shade when planting with narrow row spacing, there will be no need to struggle with them.
  • Row spacings varying between 20-70 cm can be used for sowing. The ideal row spacing is 25-35 cm.
  • The spacing between seeds on row can vary from 3-5 cm to 10-12 cm. The distance between seeds on row that most suitable for chickpea planting is 5-8 cm.

How Many Times to Water Chickpeas?

Chickpea is a deep rooted plant adapted to semi-arid and arid regions, thus it is drought resistant. However, it is still a water-loving plant and an appropriate irrigation in chickpea planting also increases the yield. In addition, appropriate temperature and humidity levels must be provided for the seed to germinate.

It will be beneficial to water the planted chickpeas several times at certain times:

  • At the beginning of flowering.
  • The period when pods are formed but are empty inside.
  • The period when the pods begin to fill.

You can also look: Chickpea Farming Guide

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