How Many Kilos of Beans per Acre?

Aralık 13, 2022 Yazarı Pollster 0
how many kilos of beans per acre

How many kilos of beans can be planted per acre? How many kilograms of beans per acre? How many kilos of beans can be planted in an acre? How many kilograms of beans can be planted in one acre? How many kg of beans per hectare? How many kgs of beans to plant per acre? How many kg of beans per acre? How many kilos of beans are planted in 1 acre? How many kilos of fresh beans taken from 1 acre? How many kilos of beans are taken from 1 acre? How many kilograms of beans are planted per acre? How many kilos of dry beans are planted in 1 acre? How many kilos of dry beans are planted in one acre? And many similar questions are frequently asked by people who are considering bean production.

How Many Kilos of Beans per Decare?

In sowing with air seeders, an average of 6 to 10 kilograms of bean seeds per decare is sufficient. The amount of seeds required per decare in bean planting may vary according to the size of the seed used. If a large seed variety is preferred, up to 12-13 kilos of seeds can be planted per decare.

How Many Kilos of Green Beans Taken From 1 Decare?

In the production of green beans without the use of poles, 500 to 600 kilos of green beans can be obtained from one decare, while yields of up to 800-1200 kilos can be obtained from one decare in production made using poles.

How Many Kilos of Dry Beans Obtained From One Decare?

An average of 200 to 300 kilos of dry beans can be obtained from one decare. When maintenance conditions such as proper irrigation and fertilization are provided, dry beans can be obtained up to 400-500 kilograms per decare.

How Many Kilos of Beans per Acre?

In sowing with air seeders, an average of 24 to 40 kilograms of bean seeds per acre is sufficient. The amount of seeds required per acre in bean planting may vary according to the size of the seed used. If a large seed variety is preferred, up to 48-52 kilos of seeds can be planted per acre.

How Many Kilograms of Green Beans Obtained From 1 Acre?

In the production of green beans without the use of poles, 2000 to 2400 kilos of green beans can be obtained from one acre, while yields of up to 3200-4800 kilos can be obtained from one acre in production made using poles.

How Many Kilograms of Dry Beans are Produced in an Acre?

An average of 800 to 1200 kilos of dry beans can be obtained from one acre. When maintenance conditions such as proper irrigation and fertilization are provided, dry beans can be obtained up to 1600-2000 kilograms per acre.

How Many Kilograms of Beans per Hectare?

In sowing with air seeders, an average of 60 to 100 kilograms of bean seeds per hectare is sufficient. The amount of seeds required per hectare in bean planting may vary according to the size of the seed used. If a large seed variety is preferred, up to 120-130 kilos of seeds can be planted per hectare.

How Many Kilos of Green Beans Obtained From One Hectare?

In the production of green beans without the use of poles, 5000 to 6000 kilos of green beans can be obtained from one hectare, while yields of up to 8000-12000 kilos can be obtained from one hectare in production made using poles.

How Many Kilos of Dry Beans are Produced From One Hectare?

An average of 2000 to 3000 kilos of dry beans can be produced from one hectare. When maintenance conditions such as proper irrigation and fertilization are provided, dry beans can be obtained up to 4000-5000 kilograms per hectare.

When to Plant Beans?

In open green bean cultivation, sowing is generally started in late March and April. However, according to the climatic conditions, it can be planted gradually until the last week of May. In greenhouse green bean cultivation, it is possible to sow seeds in early March in the spring period and in late July in the autumn period.

How Long Does It Take to Grow Beans?

The time from sowing the beans to the harvest may vary according to the preferred bean variety and the ecological conditions of the planting region. Generally, beans are ready for harvest 3-5 months after planting. In green beans, the best time to harvest is when the pods are one-third of their mature size.

How to Plant Beans?

Bean seeds can be planted in two ways: The seedbed method and the row method. In row cultivation, the land is divided into rectangular plots of certain size. Then, many rows-lines are formed on these plots at certain intervals. Sowing is done on these rows.

  • Sowing can be done by means of machines.
  • In row planting, the planting depth is 4-5 cm.
  • In dwarf varieties, the distance between the rows is 40-50 cm, the distance between the seeds on the row is 15-20 cm.
  • In pole varieties, the distance between the rows is 50-60 cm, the distance between the seeds on the row is 20-30 cm.
  • In seedbed-method sowing, 5-7 seeds are planted in clusters. The sowing depth is 2-3 cm and the distance between the seedbeds is 1 meter.
  • In addition, bean seeds can be planted together with corn seeds. Thus, corn plants take on the role of poles for beans.

How Much Water Do Bean Plants Need to Grow?

Climatic conditions, wind, high temperature and soil structure are factors that affect the water demand of plants. Furrow irrigation should be preferred for irrigation, and other irrigation methods should be used when this type of irrigation is not possible.

In the production of green beans, frequent and light irrigation should be done. Because, although green beans like to be watered frequently, they do not like too much water.

Irrigation should be less until the flowering period, the field should not be ponded. Ponds that may occur due to excess water in the early stages of plants’ life slow down root development and increase root diseases.

Irrigation from the beginning of flowering is even more important. Since the root system of the plants is well developed, the amount of water to be given during this period should be increased. The lack of moisture during the flowering period causes the number of fertilized flowers to decrease and the pods to be small and of poor quality. Therefore, plants should not be left without water during this period. The first sign that the plant is dehydrated is that the light green leaves of the plant take on a dark green color. In addition, sprinkler irrigation should not be done during the flowering period. Because sprinkler irrigation during the flowering stage causes a decrease in fertilization and a decrease in yield. If sprinkler irrigation is required, this must be done before the flowering period.

After the flowering phase, irrigation should be done about 10 days after the green beans start to form and 1 month before the harvest.

You can also look: Beans Farming, Planting, Care, Yield, Harvesting

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How many kilos of beans are planted per acre? We tried to determine the average amounts in this article but in many articles on internet, very different rates are given on this subject; what is correct rate in your opinion? You can also share your thoughts, experiences and questions about beans production in the comments section…