How Many Kilos of Oats per Acre?

Eylül 5, 2022 Yazarı Pollster 0
how many kilos of oats per acre

How many kilos of oats are planted per decare? How many kilos of oats per acre? What do oats yield? How many kilos of oats are planted per hectare? How much oats do you plant per acre? What month do you plant oats? How many kg of oats per acre, decare, hectare? How many kg of oats are planted in 1 acre? How many kilos of oats are planted on 1 acre of field? How many kilograms of oats obtained from 1 acre? How many kilos of oats are planted in 1 acre? And many similar questions are frequently asked by people who are considering oat production.

How Many Kilos of Oats are Planted per Decare?

The amount of oat seed to be sown per decare depends on factors such as the size of the seed, the structure of the soil, and the precipitation of the region. The weight of one thousand oat seeds should not be less than 25 grams. When a suitable seed variety is used, 15 to 20 kgs of seeds per decare will be sufficient for grain production. In order to produce green grass, the amount of oat seeds to be planted per decare should be increased by 2-4 kilograms.

How Many Kilos of Oats Obtained From One Decare?

When the necessary maintenance conditions are provided in suitable climate and soil conditions, approximately 400 kilograms of yield can be obtained from one decare. When the early seed variety with very high grain yield is used, the amount of oats to be taken per decare will increase significantly (from 400 to 800 kgs of yield per decare).

How Many Kilos of Oats are Planted per Acre?

The amount of oat seed to be sown per acre depends on factors such as the size of the seed, the structure of the soil, and the precipitation of the region. When a suitable seed variety is used, 60 to 80 kgs of oat seeds will be sufficient for one acre of field .

How Much Oats Do You Get per Acre?

When the necessary maintenance conditions are provided in suitable climate and soil conditions, approximately 1600 kilograms of yield can be obtained from one acre. When the early seed variety with very high grain yield is used, the amount of oats to be taken per acre will increase significantly (from 1600 to 3200 kgs of yield per acre).

How Many Kilograms of Oats are Planted per Hectare?

The amount of oat seed to be sown per hectare depends on factors such as the size of the seed, the structure of the soil, and the precipitation of the region. When a suitable seed variety is used, 150 to 200 kgs of oat seeds will be sufficient for one hectare of field .

How Many Tons of Oats Produced From One Hectare?

When the necessary maintenance conditions are provided in suitable climate and soil conditions, approximately 4 tons (4000 kilograms) of yield can be obtained from one hectare. When the early seed variety with very high grain yield is used, the amount of oats to be taken per hectare will increase significantly (from 4 to 8 tons of yield per hectare).

How Much Fertilizer Should I Use for Oats?

Oats need nitrogen and potassium in terms of inorganic matter. 16 kilograms of nitrogen and 24 kilograms of potassium fertilizer are sufficient for one acre of oats. While nitrogen and phosphorus-containing fertilizers are used in many plants, barnyard manure can also be used in oat cultivation. Barnyard manure ensures that the soil retains water and is well aerated. Since these features fully meet the needs of oats, up to 10 tons of animal manure per acre can be used in oat cultivation.

When to Sow Oats?

For high yields, planting should be done before winter where regions that oats can withstand winter. Although the planting date in winter planting varies according to the regions, it is the time when the plant should be planted in such a way that it enters the winter with 3-4 leaves. For northern hemisphere, the period between the middle of October and the end of December is the most suitable time for winter planting.

Winter sowing yields more than summer sowing. However, summer planting should be done in regions where the winter is harsh and oats cannot withstand the winter. From the end of winter to the beginning of spring will be suitable for summer planting. It should not be late in planting the summer sowing. Plants should be eared before hot and dry weather conditions arrive.

How Long Does It Take to Grow Oats?

The growing period of oats depends on the time of sowing and the climatic conditions of the planting region. In addition, it is very important to choose the harvest time correctly in oat cultivation. Therefore, it would be more correct to look at this issue as “when is oat harvested”.

When is Oats Ready to Harvest?

Due to the high tillering in oats, the time required for the ripening of all the grains in a plant is longer than in cool climate grains. When the end grains of the upper branches of the semi-ripe bunch turn yellow, the lower grains of the same bunch are still green. In conditions where the number of clusters in the plant is high, the time required for the ripening of all the grains is longer. Even the grains in the same cluster, in the same tiller, or even in the same ear, have different maturity times. On the other hand, in many oat varieties, when the clusters reach maturity, the leaves retain their green state. This situation makes it difficult to harvest oats. Waiting for the ripening of all the grains leads to excessive grain shedding, and early harvesting leads to the taken of some unripe grains. For these reasons, the harvest time of oats has to be chosen carefully.

Oats should generally be harvested when the grains on the main stem are between starch accumulation and full maturity. Since the ears are leave from the stems at the end of starch accumulation stage, grain shedding is excessive. In this period, all the leaves of the first stem are yellowed, only the base of the last leaf is green and the first node is more or less damp and the other tillers are still green. After the stems cut in this period are thoroughly dried for 3-5 days, they are threshed. Harvesting with a combine harvester cannot be done at this period. If it is possible to use a combine harvester, it is necessary to delay the harvest a little longer and wait for the grains in the first and second petioles to reach full maturity.

It is appropriate to mow the oats a little before starch accumulation stage if it is grown for hay, or during the milk filling period if it is grown for silage. Planting done before winter will be harvested a few weeks earlier than planting in spring. Winter oats planting always offer more grain and straw yields.

How to Plant Oats?

The time and method of cultivating the soil in oat farming vary according to the previous plant, the sowing time of oats, the precipitation-temperature relations of the region and the weed status of the field. Meanwhile, oat is one of the main cereals that can be selected for crop rotation.

Oats can be planted with the sowing machines used for wheat or by hand scattering. It is appropriate to plant superficially in heavily annealed soils, and to sow deep in dry agricultural areas.

Since oat is the most water consuming plant among the cool climate cereals, the purpose of tillage should be to accumulate sufficient water in the soil. For this reason, if summer oats are to be planted, the field should be plowed deeply before winter and left for the winter without being leveled, and thus plenty of water should be accumulated in the soil.

You can also look: Oat Farming

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How many kilos of oats are planted per acre? We tried to determine the average amounts in this article but in many articles on internet, very different rates are given on this subject; what is correct rate in your opinion? You can also share your thoughts, experiences and questions about oat cultivation in the comments section…