How Much Barley per Acre?
Ağustos 26, 2022
How much barley can you grow per acre? How many kilograms of barley are planted in 1 acre? How many kilograms of barley are taken from one acre? How many kg of barley are planted in 1 decare? How much barley is planted in 1 acre? How much fertilizer do you use on barley? How much nitrogen does barley require per acre? How much barley is produced from 1 acre? And many similar questions are frequently asked by people who are considering planting barley.
How Much Barley Seed Planted per Decare?
18 kilograms of seeds per decare is sufficient for sowing barley with a seeder, and 20 kilograms of seeds are sufficient for hand-spreading. While 15 to 18 kilograms of seeds per decare may be sufficient in wet areas with heavy rainfall, in case of unfavorable factors of soil preparation, planting time and seed quality, it would be more appropriate to sow around 18 to 22 kilograms of seeds per decare.
How Many Kilos of Barley Taken From 1 Decare?
When a quality seed variety suitable for the soil and climatic conditions of the planting region is used, and appropriate maintenance conditions and fertilization are provided, approximately 200 to 400 kilograms of barley can be obtained from a decare without irrigation. Yields of up to 600 kilos per decare can be obtained in areas with high rainfall or in plantings with extra irrigation support.
How Much Barley Seed Planted per Acre?
72 kilograms of seeds per acre is sufficient for sowing barley with a seeder, and 80 kilograms of seeds are sufficient for hand-spreading. While 60 to 72 kilograms of seeds per acre may be sufficient in wet areas with heavy rainfall, in case of unfavorable factors of soil preparation, planting time and seed quality, it would be more appropriate to sow around 72 to 88 kilograms of seeds per acre.
How Much Barley Do You Get per Acre?
When a quality seed variety suitable for the soil and climatic conditions of the planting region is used, and appropriate maintenance conditions and fertilization are provided, approximately 800 to 1600 kilograms of barley can be obtained from one acre without irrigation. Yields of up to 2400 kilos per acre can be obtained in areas with high rainfall or in plantings with extra irrigation support.
How Many Bushels of Barley per Acre?
When 3 to 4 bushels of barley planted per acre, average winter barley yields are typically 60-80 bushels per acre and average spring barley yields are typically 40-60 bushels per acre.
How Many Kilos of Barley are Planted in 1 Hectare?
180 kilograms of seeds per hectare is sufficient for sowing barley with a seeder, and 200 kilograms of seeds are sufficient for hand-spreading. While 150 to 180 kilograms of seeds per hectare may be sufficient in wet areas with heavy rainfall, in case of unfavorable factors of soil preparation, planting time and seed quality, it would be more appropriate to sow around 180 to 220 kilograms of seeds per hectare.
How Much Barley is Produced per Hectare?
When a quality seed variety suitable for the soil and climatic conditions of the planting region is used, and appropriate maintenance conditions and fertilization are provided, approximately 2000 to 4000 kilograms of barley can be obtained from 1 hectare without irrigation. Yields of up to 6 tons (6000 kilos) per hectare can be obtained in areas with high rainfall or in plantings with extra irrigation support.
How Much Fertilizer per Acre for Barley?
The main thing in fertilizing is to analyze the soil for nutrients and minerals. According to the results of the analysis, the required fertilizer types should be used in appropriate amounts. Generally, 28 kilograms of nitrogen fertilizer (top fertilizer) is sufficient for one acre of barley in dry conditions. About 12 kilos of this is thrown together with the bottom fertilizer during seed planting. The remaining top fertilizer should be thrown in the spring when there is rainy. In areas with heavy rainfall, a few kilograms more top fertilizer can be used per acre, but excess fertilizer should not be applied in dry conditions.
When is Barley Planted?
Although the planting time of barley may differ from region to region, the most suitable time is between the last week of September and the third week of October. Barley can be planted also in November.
How Long Does It Take to Grow Barley?
In hot regions, barley harvesting is done in May, while in more northern regions (for the northern hemisphere), it can be done in June-July. In other words, it takes about 8-9 months from sowing to harvest of barley.
How to Plant Barley?
In order to obtain high yield and quality products, rotation should be applied while growing barley and certified seeds should be used.
- First of all, the soil should be plowed with a plow and made ready for planting.
- Sowing is usually done by machines.
- Sowing depth should be adjusted to provide sufficient moisture and aeration for germination.
- Generally, planting depth should be 4-6 cm in winter plantings and 3-4 cm in summer plantings.
How is Barley Irrigated?
Although the water requirement of barley is not as much as wheat, it also needs sufficient soil moisture for abundant yield and quality product. If the barley is to be irrigated it should be irrigated twice. The first irrigation should be done in the during forming petiole period and the second irrigation should be done during the milk filling stage. If irrigation will be done once, it will be appropriate to do it during the milk filling stage.
You can also look: Barley Cultivation Information Guide
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