How the Brain Works?

Kasım 13, 2021 Yazarı Pollster 0
How the brain works

How the brain works, in your opinion?

How the Brain Works?

The brain has a structure that works with signals and associations…

What is Living?

In a normal living and healthy body, there is not a single point that is not covered by the sense organs. We can think of our sense organs as a microphone that records sound or a camera that shoots video. And all the signals sent by these organs are transmitted to the brain. In fact, in order to invent the camera and microphone, it is necessary to think about the sense organs. It seems that humanity has invented and make available for use such as microphones, cameras and the like after discovering the sound and light sensors in itself. Smart devices such as computers and phones that we already use work with associations, just like our brain as software.

What is the Subconscious?

Signals are sent to our brain millions of times per second from various points of our body. We can think of these signals as the inputs of the computer, just like the commands we give to the computer, that is, the camera and microphone. It is not possible for the information you entered on a healthy computer to be lost. Just like this, what we see, hear, taste and touch and smell; In short, everything we experience is recorded in our brain. What we call the subconscious is this whole recorded database.

So why can’t we remember everything we’ve experienced clearly or memorize a book we read in one go? This is because we cannot communicate with our subconscious. Although the mind does not remember everything, the brain always records it. And the brain actually has a structure that works with associations. Something we experience from time to time can remind us of something else. Or a smell we smell, a taste we take can remind us of another memory we had or even a dream we forgot after seeing it. If we call what we are aware of as consciousness, this is precisely the meeting of the subconscious and consciousness. If we can always provide this meeting; we can see very clearly everything that we experience, that is, everything that our brain records.

What is Deja Vu?

If we consider that the subconscious can be transferred as well as memories; Even the experiences of our mothers and fathers can affect our lives. Maybe this is the reason why we feel as if we have lived a memory that we are sure we have never experienced before, or we are in a dilemma. Perhaps what we call déjà (previously-in French) voir (to see-in French) is a proof that the subconscious is passed down from generation to generation.

Self Fulfilling Prophecy (Pygmalion Effect)

For these reasons, the entries registered in the subconscious; It is extremely important for our quality of life and for both our mental and physical health. Even if we do not know our subconscious, if there is a memory such as fear, anxiety or the like; This situation can affect all our behaviors, human relations and even our entire lives. For example, your mother or father before you were born; if he lived in constant fear that his partner would leave him/her; you may be afraid of your spouse leaving you, and you may even shape your behavior according to this fear. This can cause you to break up with your spouse or cause him/her to break up with you. This, of course, is a very bad situation for you. However, your subconscious mind will be very happy that its prophecy has come true. Indeed, there are people who subconsciously feel relief from fighting, arguing, even being sad and unhappy, and take pleasure in this situation.


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Last Edited: January 29, 2024