Is Arveles Good for Toothache?

Aralık 14, 2022 Yazarı Pollster 0
is arveles good for toothache

Is Arveles good for toothache? Is Arveles good against toothache? What is Arveles used to treat? Is Arveles good for tooth pain? What is dexketoprofen used to treat? Is dexketoprofen a painkiller? Does Arveles cure toothache? Is Arveles pain reliever good for toothache? Which is the best painkiller for toothache? Is Arveles used for toothache? Many questions such as and many more are frequently asked by people who struggle with toothache and are considering using Arveles.

Is Arveles Good for Toothache?

Toothache has a character that can appear suddenly and become unbearable, especially at night. The cause of this pain is usually problems such as decays, gingivitis, inflammation of the tissue connecting the tooth to the gum, abscesses, inflammation of the sinuses and so on. Arveles can be good for toothache thanks to its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. If toothache occurs due to caries or periodontitis and these problems are not treated, larger problems may develop, up to tooth loss, in the future. Although painkillers relieve toothache for a while, they do not eliminate the main problem. Therefore, when you experience toothache, make sure to see a dentist without wasting time.

What is Arveles, Why is It Used?

Arveles is a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic from the NSAID (Nonstereoid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) group, whose active ingredient is 25 milligrams of dexketoprofen trometamol. It available in ampoule and tablet forms. It is used for symptomatic treatment of mild and moderate pains such as musculoskeletal pain, dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain), toothache, headache, post-operative pain.

Although people apply to painkillers for all kinds of pain, drugs should not be used without the advice and approval of a doctor. Because using too many drugs unconsciously can cause the liver and kidneys to become inoperable after a while.

What are the Contraindications of Arveles?

Patients who should not use Arveles;

  • Those who are allergic to dexketoprofen or other NSAID pain relievers.
  • Patients in whom similar drugs such as aspirin cause asthma, bronchospasm, acute rhinitis attacks, or cause nasal polyps, urticaria or angioedema.
  • Patients with active, suspected or past gastrointestinal ulcers or a history of chronic indigestion.
  • Patients with active bleeding, bleeding disorders or coagulation problems.
  • Patients with moderate or severe renal dysfunction.
  • Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis patients.
  • Patients with severe heart failure.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should also not use Arveles.

You can also look: Side Effects of Arveles

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