Is Dexpass Good for Toothache?

Kasım 22, 2021 Yazarı Pollster 0
Is Dexpass good for toothache?

What is Dexpass? What is Dexpass used for? Does Dexpass relieve pain? Is Dexpass good for toothache? And many similar questions are frequently asked by people who suffer from toothache and are considering using Dexpass.

Is Dexpass Good for Toothache?

Thanks to its pain reliever feature, Dexpass can be good for toothache.

What is Dexpass? What is Dexpass Used for?

It contains dexketoprofen trometamol and paracetamol as active ingredients. It is a pain reliever, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drug belonging to the NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) group.

DEXPASS; It is used in the treatment of mild and moderate pain, such as musculoskeletal pain, menstrual pain, toothache and post-operative pain.

Paracetamol is used as a pain reliever for the treatment of various pains, as a pain reliever and antipyretic in febrile diseases.

Thanks to these analgesic properties, Dexpass is also good for toothache. But the best cure for toothache is to go to the dentist. Although painkillers work for a short time, the pain continues after the effect of the drug wears off. That’s why you can use natural methods such as clove oil instead of medicine for toothache.

How to Use Dexpass?

You should always use the medicines as prescribed by your doctor and after reading the prospectus of drug. It is recommended to take Dexpass on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before meals. Taking it on a full stomach may decrease the speed of absorption of the drug. The tablet should not be broken or chewed while swallowing with a glass of water.

Situations When You Should Use Dexpass Carefully

  • If you are allergic to drugs,
  • If you are allergic to anything,
  • If you have kidney, heart, liver disease or heart failure,
  • If you have lupus erythematosus or mixed connective tissue disease manifested by flaking on the skin,
  • If you have a blood disease,
  • If you are considering getting pregnant,
  • If you are using which will increase the risk of peptic ulcer or bleeding such as oral steroids, SSRI group antidepressants and anticoagulant agents like warfarin; and,
  • If you are using a diuretic drug, you should use Dexpass carefully.
  • If you are elderly, you have a higher chance of experiencing side effects; bleeding and perforation, especially of peptic ulcers, can be life-threatening.

Even if you have experienced one of these situations long ago; Inform your doctor if it applies to you.

Situations You Shouldn’t Use Dexpass

  • If you are allergic to any ingredient in the formula of Dexpass,
  • If you are allergic to acetylsalicylic acid,
  • If you have asthma attacks, if you have acute allergic rhinitis (short-term inflammation of the inner surface of the nose due to allergies), if you have swelling in the nose called nasal polyps due to allergies, if you have urticaria or hives, if you have angioedema (swelling in the face and throat after allergy),
  • You should not use Dexpass if you have thorax wheezing after using acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • If you have previously suffered from stomach ulcers, bleeding, digestive upset or if you have bowel problems caused by inflammation (Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis),
  • If you have severe heart failure, moderate or severe kidney disease or severe hepatic dysfunction,
  • If you have inflammatory bowel problems such as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis,
  • If you have Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) enzyme deficiency disease,
  • If you have a history of stomach or intestinal bleeding,
  • If you are using any other medicine containing paracetamol,
  • If you have a history of bronchial asthma,
  • If you have a blood coagulation disease,
  • You should not use Dexpass if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • In addition, Dexpass should not be used in children.

You can also look: What is Dexketoprofen, What is It Used For?

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