Is Grease Good for Toothache?

Kasım 8, 2021 Yazarı Pollster 0
is grease good for toothache

Is grease good for toothache? What oil stops a toothache? Is grease good for your teeth? People who suffer from toothache can ask such questions.

Is Grease Good for Toothache?

When there is a condition such as a broken, rotten or cracked tooth, hot-cold liquids and air reaching the nerve of the tooth cause pain. Oils have a water-insoluble molecular structure. For this reason, they can hardly come out of the contaminated area with only water or even soap. After the grease is applied, it has a non-flowing, non-drip structure due to its density. For this reason, grease; It can cover the fracture, crack or cavity in the tooth, just like a dental filling, and disconnect the nerves from the external environment. In this case, the pain can be temporarily stopped. However, there is a risk of swallowing the grease and poisoning the person if swallowed. Therefore, such methods are very dangerous and should not be applied.

Toothache should not be expected to go away on its own, and the person should not try various methods on himself/herself.

Methods such as clove, garlic, alcohol, aspirin, toothpaste and the like, which are used among the people, do not actually work, even if they relieve the pain for a short time, and are not recommended because they can damage the tooth and surrounding tissues.

The permanent solution to toothache is to visit a dentist sooner or later. Also, even perfectly healthy people without toothache should see their dentist every six months.

What is Grease?

Grease; It is a type of oil in which a fluid oil and a thickening agent reducing fluidity vary in state between solid and semi-fluid. In greases, the fluid part is usually a petroleum-based mineral oil or a synthetic fluid, and the thickening part is a metallic soap. Grease is used in industries especially for the mechanical parts to work comfortably and to prevent wear.

Why Does the Teeth Hurt?

Nerves are the primary structures in the body that allow us to feel pain. The pulpal nerves in the tooth are among the most sensitive nerves in the human body. If there is a condition in the organism such as inflammation, abscess or pressure that disturbs the nerve or even tries to kill it, the nerve complains to the brain. The brain also makes us feel it as pain. Actually, pain is a good thing. Because it informs a problem in the tooth before it gets worse.

Toothache is mostly the result of some problems in the tooth; It is a very irritating, often severe pain felt in the tooth, in the jaw and in certain parts of the face, reducing the quality of life of the person. Toothache can occur for many reasons. Tooth decay is the primary cause of toothache for most children and adults. In addition, severe toothache may develop in the following situations.

  • A fracture or crack in the tooth or tooth root.
  • Tooth abscess due to a bacterial infection.
  • Sinus infections. Sometimes an infection in the roots of the teeth can also cause sinusitis.
  • Grinding your teeth at night.
  • Damage to the dental filling.
  • Inflammation of the root of the tooth and gums.
  • Wisdom teeth. In addition, when the wisdom teeth cannot find a place to protrude on the palate, they can compress the other teeth and cause them to decay. In such cases, wisdom teeth should be pulled without undue delay.

You can also look: 11 Home and Natural Remedies for Toothache

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