Is St John’s Wort Oil Good for Heel Spurs?

Eylül 22, 2022 Yazarı Pollster 0
is st john's wort oil good for heel spurs

Which oil is good for heel spur? What is st john’s wort oil good for? Is St John’s wort oil good for heel spurs? What is the fastest way to heal a heel spur? Is kantaron oil good for heel spurs? Which ointment is good for heel spurs? What is the best remedy for heel spurs? What is good for heel spurs? And many similar questions are frequently asked by people who encounter this problem.

Is St John’s Wort Oil Good for Heel Spurs?

St. John’s Wort oil has healing properties. It soothes irritations, helps fight inflammation, relieves itching and at the same time effectively regenerates the skin. St. John’s wort oil moisturizes and softens the skin, nourishes it effectively and restores its healthy appearance to the skin. Thanks to these properties, St. John’s wort oil can also be good for heel spurs. Massaging the heels using St. John’s wort oil will greatly benefit the healing process of people with heel spurs.

What is Heel Spur, Why Does It Happen?

Heel spur is a very common orthopedic disorder that occurs in the heel area. Severe pain can occur as a result of inflammation of the bone spur in the heel and damage to the tissues. The first sign of the disease is the formation of severe pain in the heel. When you wake up in the morning, you experience severe pain as soon as you take the first step. This pain will also occur when you are inactive, but will become worse when you move a lot.

The diagnosis of heel spur is made by the orthopedic doctor and various drugs are given. These drugs are mostly for pain relief and for drying of inflammation. In most people, it is possible to treat heel spurs without the need for surgical intervention.

In the case of a diagnosis of heel spur, the patient is first advised to avoid activities that cause pain. Patients with heel spurs should not walk barefoot at home, they should use soft-soled slippers. In addition, they should not walk too much and if possible, they should prefer sneakers instead of hard-soled shoes.

Which Cream is Good for Heel Spurs?

  • Nimesulide Gel
  • Vicks Ceram
  • Zax’s Heelspur Cream
  • South Moon Heel Pain Oinment

Which Ointment is Good for Heel Spurs?

You can directly use heel spur creams, which you can easily obtain from pharmacies, at the same time you can treat heel spurs by preparing a cure with Vicks ointment and honey.


Before going to bed at night, soak your feet in hot water for half an hour. After emptying one-third of the Vicks cream box, fill it with honey and mix. After making sure that Vicks and honey are well mixed, take your feet out of the hot water, apply this mixture to the heel spur and wrap the area with cling film or a cheesecloth. Applying this method before going to bed in the evening for a week will help reduce and treat heel spur pain. Since Vicks is an antibacterial ointment, putting a teaspoon of Vicks in the hot water that you soak your feet in will also be effective against complaints such as fungus, eczema and nail fungus on your feet.

Do Heel Spurs Go Away on Their Own?

If the heel spur pain is at the initial level, it can go away on its own if suitable shoes are chosen for the foot. This pain mostly occurs as a result of wearing hard-soled shoes. Identifying the shoe that cause pain and replacing it with a soft-soled shoe can relieve heel spur pain. However, treatment is absolutely necessary for long-term heel spur pain.

You can also look: Heel Spurs and Plantar Fasciitis

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