Story of Headman and Lighter

Haziran 22, 2022 Yazarı Pollster 0
story of headman and lighter

The Story of Headman and Lighter…

In ancient times, people tried very hard to make fire. One day, when a lighter was found, things became easier, and it became possible to light a fire without effort. Once upon a time, some villagers had brought a lighter to their village, the lighter was so precious that it had to be handed over to a reliable person so that it would not be used for wrong purposes. They gathered the all villagers and asked to whom to give this lighter, they thought and decided to give the lighter to the headman. They said they would take the lighter from the headman when needed it, light fire, and then give it back to the headman.

When the headman bought the lighter, his prestige gradually increased as the owner of the fire, and sycophants and a lot of cringing began to gather around him. As the respect increased, so did the arrogance of the headman. He began to expect more respect, more fear from those around him. He forgot that it was the villagers who give the lighter to himself. With the provocation of the flatters, the headman started to use fire to suppress and frighten to villagers, he burned the houses of some and the fields of others. Fields cannot be plowed, houses have become uninhabitable. Due to the pressure of the headman, the villagers started to leave the village slowly. The trade stopped, peddlers became not come to the village, the village of the headman gradually sinked while the surrounding villages developed.

One of the villagers of the headman, wondering why the surrounding villages developed while their village was declining, went to one of the surrounding villages. When he saw the wealth, the vineyard and the garden there, he asked the villagers;

-Don’t you have a lighter? Villagers:

-“We have lighter.” they said. Villager of the headman:

-“Well, how did your village develop like this, how did your vineyard and garden stay like this without burning? We have also lighter but everything in our village was destroyed?” said. Other villagers:

“Or did you give the lighter to only one person?” they said. And the man whose village burned:

“Yes, we gave the lighter to the headman.” said. The villagers also:

“Alas! That’s a big mistake. Is the lighter ever give to a single person?” they said. Then the man said:

“We gave the lighter to headman because he is the person we trust the most. Didn’t you do it that way?” asked. The villagers also:

-“No, we didn’t do that way, we gave the lighter to one person, the flint to another person, and the gasoline to someone else. To start a fire, the three of them have to come together. If someone of them is going to do something wrong, the others will not allow it.” they said. Trusting the headman, the villager, who thought that the lighter should be given to headman, realized that he was wrong:

“As you said, we burned ourselves by giving them all to only one person.” said.

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January 7, 2024