What Causes Halitosis?

Kasım 23, 2021 Yazarı Pollster 0
what causes halitosis

What are possible causes of halitosis? What is the major cause of halitosis? How do you get rid of halitosis? And many similar questions are frequently asked by people who have this problem. By the way, halitosis and breath odor are not the same thing. So what is halitosis, why does halitosis occur?

Why Does Your Mouth Smell?

Halitosis usually occurs when oral care and hygiene are not fully provided. Since the rough surface of the tongue is quite suitable for holding bacteria, the bacteria that settle here break down the consumed proteins into volatile sulfur components. For this reason, mouth odor occurs.

Consuming less water during the day is also among the factors that cause mouth odor. Drinking water stimulates saliva production and thus helps to clean bacteria in the mouth. Dental calculus is another factor that causes halitosis and it is recommended to be cleaned once a year. In addition, if the person is a smoker, quitting smoking will also be effective in getting rid of bad breath.

Mouth odor can get worse based on the types of food you eat and other unhealthy lifestyle habits. Food residues left between the teeth cause bacterial growth around the gums and tongue, which causes halitosis. In addition, dentures can also cause mouth odor.

What Causes Halitosis?

  • Smoking, using alcohol,
  • Prolonged starvation,
  • Implementing diet programs,
  • Experiencing dry mouth for a long time,
  • Irregular and unhealthy diet,
  • Tooth decay or gum disease can cause bad breath.

Often in the morning, you may experience an unpleasant halitosis; This situation is considered physiologically normal. However, if there is a long-lasting and disturbing odor despite oral hygiene, the reason must be investigated. Mouth odor can be caused by dental health habits, or it can indicate various health problems. It is necessary to consider the diseases that can lead to this situation.

Which Diseases Symptom Might Be Halitosis?

What illness causes halitosis? Mouth odor can sometimes be caused by diseases related to the stomach, nasal flesh and upper respiratory tract. In this case, it would be more correct to use the term “breath odor” instead of the term “halitosis”. In order to solve the problem of breath odor, the underlying cause must first be investigated and then treated.

What Illness Causes Bad Breath?

  • Breath odor can be symptoms of sinusitis, pharyngitis,
  • Oral fungal infections,
  • Tonsillitis,
  • Throat diseases such as adenoid and similar,
  • Stomach and intestinal diseases such as reflux,
  • Kidney ailments,
  • Nose or nasal concha disorders,
  • Systemic diseases such as diabetes, liver failure and kidney failure.

How Do You Get Rid Of Halitosis?

The reason for bad breath may be that oral hygiene is not fully provided. In this case, in addition to brushing the teeth regularly, using dental floss and mouthwash in the best way to perform the daily cleaning of the teeth will be enough to get rid of this problem.

How To Brush Teeth?

Teeth should be brushed three times a day for at least two minutes using fluoride toothpaste. After each meal, the food residues between the teeth should be cleaned with dental floss and antibacterial mouthwashes should be used if necessary.

As a result, although oral and dental health care is done well, if mouth odor does not disappear for a long time; Other underlying causes should be investigated. In addition, even a healthy person is recommended to have a mouth and dental examination at least twice a year.

You can also look: Oral Health

You can also check this article: What Causes Bad Breath?

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Last Edited: January 31, 2024