Etiket: Agricultural Activities

How Many Kgs of Sunflower Seed per Hectare?

Mayıs 11, 2022 Yazarı Pollster 0

How many kgs of sunflower seed per hectare? How much oil can be extracted from 1 kg of sunflower? What is the yield per acre for sunflowers? How much oil we get from 1 kg sunflower seeds? How many kilograms of sunflowers are planted in…

How Many Kilos of Maize Seed per Acre?

Aralık 1, 2021 Yazarı Pollster 0

In this article, you will find answers to questions such as how many kilos of maize are planted in 1 decare, how much corn is produced, how many kilograms of corn are taken from 1 decare, how many kgs of maize to plant per acre,…

How Many Kilos of Garlic per Acre?

Kasım 30, 2021 Yazarı Pollster 0

How many kg of garlic per acre, hectare? How many kilos of garlic are taken from 1 acre, hectare? How many kilos of garlic plants per acre, hectare? How much garlic can be produced in one acre, hectare? How many kilos of garlic are produced…