How Many Kgs of Sunflower Seed per Hectare?
Mayıs 11, 2022
How many kgs of sunflower seed per hectare? How much oil can be extracted from 1 kg of sunflower? What is the yield per acre for sunflowers? How much oil we get from 1 kg sunflower seeds? How many kilograms of sunflowers are planted in 1 acre? What is the expected yield of sunflower per hectare? How many kilograms of sunflowers are taken from one acre? How much sunflower seeds are planted in 1 acre? How much oil produced from 1 ton of sunflower? How many kilograms of sunflower seeds produced from 1 acre of field? How many kg of sunflower is planted per decare? How many sunflower seeds come out of 1 acre? How many kilograms of sunflowers are planted in one acre? How much sunflower oil comes out of 1 acre? And many similar questions are frequently asked by people who want to grow sunflowers.
How Many Kgs of Sunflower Seed Are Planted in 1 Decare?
The amount of seeds required per decare in sunflower planting varies according to the size of the seed. Large seeds are preferred especially for sunflower produced as a snack. Approximately half a kilo, ie 500 grams of seeds per decare, will be sufficient for sowing sunflowers with an air seeder.
500 gr seeds per decare can be used for oil type sunflower seeds production. However, in oil type sunflower planting, smaller seeds can be used and the sowing range can be narrowed, unlike in snack sunflower production. Accordingly, approximately 2-3 kilograms of seeds can be planted per decare for oil type sunflower production.
How Many Kilos of Sunflowers Can Be Obtained From 1 Decare?
In suitable climatic conditions, in regions that do not receive much precipitation and for a field with a normal fertile soil, approximately 200 to 300 kilograms of snack sunflower seed can be obtained from one decare. If irrigation is done after planting, approximately 300 to 500 kilograms of grain yield per decare can be obtained, depending on soil fertility, fertilization and the number of irrigation.
When suitable climatic conditions are provided, 500 grams of oil type sunflower seed planted per decare for a field with fertile soil, approximately 250-500 kilograms of yield can be obtained from one decare. If 2-3 kilos of seeds are used per decare and proper fertilization and irrigation are provided, approximately 500-800 kilograms of yield can be obtained from one decare.
How Many Kgs of Sunflower Seed Are Planted in 1 Acre?
Approximately 2 kilos of seeds per acre, will be sufficient for sowing snack type sunflowers with an air seeder.
2 kilos of seeds per acre can be used for oil type sunflower seeds production. However, in oil type sunflower planting, smaller seeds can be used and the sowing range can be narrowed, unlike in snack sunflower production. Accordingly, approximately 8-11 kilograms of seeds can be planted per acre for oil type sunflower production.
How Many Kilos of Sunflowers Can Be Taken From 1 Acre?
In suitable climatic conditions, in regions that do not receive much precipitation and for a field with a normal fertile soil, approximately 800 to 1200 kilograms of snack type sunflower seeds can be obtained from one acre. If irrigation is done after planting, approximately 1200 to 1500 kilograms of grain yield per acre can be obtained, depending on soil fertility, fertilization and the number of irrigation.
When suitable climatic conditions are provided, 2 kilos of oil type sunflower seed planted per acre for a field with fertile soil, approximately 1000-2000 kilograms of yield can be obtained from one acre. If 8-11 kilos of seeds are used per acre and proper fertilization and irrigation are provided, approximately 2000-3200 kilograms of yield can be obtained from one acre.
How Many Kgs of Sunflower Seed Are Planted in 1 Hectare?
Approximately 5 kilos of seeds per hectare, will be sufficient for sowing snack type sunflowers with an air seeder.
5 kilos of seeds per hectare can be used for oil type sunflower seeds production. However, in oil type sunflower planting, smaller seeds can be used and the sowing range can be narrowed, unlike in snack sunflower production. Accordingly, approximately 20-30 kilograms of seeds can be planted per hectare for oil type sunflower production.
How Many Kilos of Sunflowers Can Be Produced From 1 Hectare?
In suitable climatic conditions, in regions that do not receive much precipitation and for a field with a normal fertile soil, approximately 2000 to 3000 kilograms of snack type sunflower seed can be produced from one hectare. If irrigation is done after planting, approximately 3000 to 5000 kilograms of grain yield per hectare can be obtained, depending on soil fertility, fertilization and the number of irrigation.
When suitable climatic conditions are provided, 5 kilos of oil type sunflower seeds planted per hectare for a field with fertile soil, approximately 2500-5000 kilograms of yield can be obtained from one hectare. If 20-30 kilos of seeds are used per hectare and proper fertilization and irrigation are provided, approximately 5000-8000 kilograms of yield can be taken from one hectare.
How Many Kilos of Sunflowers Need for 1 Kilo of Sunflower Oil?
About 3 kilograms of sunflower seeds yield 1 kilogram of oil. 350 liters of sunflower oil produced from 1 ton of sunflower seeds.
How Many Kilos of Oil Can Be Obtained From 1 Acre of Sunflowers?
When 1200 kgs of sunflower seeds taken from one acre of sunflower field, 400 kilos of sunflower oil can be obtained. In this case, we can say that 400 kilograms of oil can be produced from 1 acre of sunflower.
When to Plant Sunflowers?
April is the best time to plant sunflowers. Sowing can be done earlier in regions that do not receive much rainfall. Early sowing enables sunflowers to benefit better from winter and spring precipitation.
How Long Does It Take for Sunflowers to Grow?
Sunflowers planted in April-May can be harvested at the end of August and in September. In other words, sunflowers are grown in an average of 120 to 150 days.
How to Plant Sunflower?
Sunflower planting is done with air sowing machines. With these machines, planting depth, row spacing and distance between plants on rows can be adjusted easily.
- The distance between rows can be 70 cm and the distance between plants on rows can be between 30-35 cm. In fertile soils, planting can be done at a distance between plants on rows of 25-30 cm.
- In short sunflower species, the spacing between plants on rows can be 25 cm, 30 cm in medium heights, and 35-40 cm in tall ones.
- Sowing depth may vary according to soil moisture. While 5-6 cm sowing depth is sufficient in annealed soils and early sowing, it would be more appropriate to have 7-8 cm sowing depth in order for the seed to fall into the moist soil layer, especially in late plantings, where the soil annealing is insufficient.
- Planting the same plant in the same field on top of each other in agricultural areas causes the soil to become poor and the diseases of that plant increase. For this reason, it would be appropriate to plant plants with tap-root structure such as sunflower and plants with fibrous root structure such as barley, wheat, corn in rotation.
- Roasted seeds should not be used for sowing.
How Many Times to Water Sunflowers?
Sunflowers need to be adequately watered at certain intervals at certain times. Irrigation in dry years can increase the yield by up to one hundred percent. The measure in calculating the irrigation interval is that the soil water never drops to the point of permanent wilting.
- If there is not enough moisture in the soil during the sunflower planting period, an irrigation may be required for emergence.
- If the soil moisture is low in the first development period after the plant come out of the soil, you can irrigate 2-3 times at 2-3 week intervals.
- The beginning of flowering, the formation phase of the seed layer and the milk filling time of the grains are the most important irrigation periods for sunflowers.
- Sprinkler irrigation should be carried out until flowering begins or until the height of the plants reaches 50 cm, followed by furrow irrigation.
You can also look: Sunflower Farming Information Guide
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