Hot Milk or Cold Milk Make You Taller?
Kasım 14, 2021
Does hot milk or cold milk make you taller? Hot milk or cold milk on the diet? Does cold milk upset the stomach? When is milk not drinkable? Which is better hot milk or cold milk? Questions like these are among the questions that may come to mind before drinking milk.
How Should Milk be Consumed?
Milk should be consumed while it is warm as soon as it is milked. Because if it is not consumed immediately after milking, microbes will grow in it. And later, when we boil the milk to kill these microbes, we will lose the beneficial bacteria in it. Also, there is protein in milk; and proteins do not tolerate high temperatures. Proteins have an important place in the nutritional value of milk.
Hot Milk or Cold Milk Make You Taller?
It is up to you to consume milk warm or cold. Hot or cold milk, which has good nutritional values, is effective in increasing height and developing bones. Because calcium is necessary for bones. If the milk you consume has a calcium-rich content; Since it will be beneficial for bones, it will increase the height of the person who consumes it. This situation is not affected by the temperature or coldness of the milk. Because calcium does not have an organic structure that will degrade at high temperatures like proteins.
Milk should be heated to a maximum of 35 to 40 degrees Celsius, which is close to body temperature. Because the proteins in milk are denatured at high temperatures, that is, they deteriorate out of their natural state and become useless. As examples of this deterioration, we can show the cream on the boiled milk and the whitening of the fried eggs. Therefore, milk should not be boiled in order not to lose its nutritional values.
Does Cold Milk Disturb the Stomach?
This food, which contains a high amount of calcium, causes digestive system problems in adults at a substantial rate. The stomach is the place where food is stored temporarily for the first time and it does not like the cold. Because the heating of food takes place here to a large extent. Cold milk or any other cold food will cause the stomach to contract and work harder to produce heat, which will speed up the digestion process. As a result, the person who consumes it will develop abdominal pain and diarrhea.
When milk is drunk; At first, it provides temporary relief for 15-20 minutes with its buffering effect against stomach acid. Afterwards, with the effect of calcium mineral and casein protein; It will increase the secretion and amount of stomach acid. This makes the digestive system work fast; This will cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.
Milk has a stimulating effect on the secretion of gastric acid more than alcoholic beverages such as beer, and caffeine-containing coffee. Consumption of large amounts of milk, especially by people with stomach problems; cause an increase in their ailments.
You can also look: The Health Benefits of Milk
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