How Many Kilos of Clover Seed per Acre?
Kasım 27, 2022
How many kilos of clover seed are planted per acre? How many kilos of alfalfa are planted in 1 acre? How many kilograms of clover are taken from one acre? How many kg of clover is planted in 1 acre? How many tons of clover obtained from 1 acre? How many kg of clover is planted in 1 decare, acre, hectare? How many kilograms of clover planted to 1 acre of land? How many kg of clover seeds are planted per acre? How many kilograms of clover taken from 1 acre of land? How many kg of alfalfa is planted in 1 acre of field? How many kilograms of alfalfa seeds are planted in one acre? How many kg of alfalfa is planted on 1 acre of land? How many bales of clover obtained from 1 acre of field? And many similar questions are frequently asked by people who are considering alfalfa cultivation.
How Many Kilos of Clover Seeds are Planted in 1 Decare?
In planting with seeders, 2 to 3 kilograms of alfalfa seeds are used per decare. For sowing by sprinkling, 4 kilograms of clover seeds per decare will be sufficient.
How Many Kilos of Clover Taken From 1 Decare?
Approximately 1 to 3 tons (1000-3000 kilograms) of green clover can be obtained from one decare on each harvest. If it is aimed to obtain dry clover, the yield is 300 to 800 kilos per decare.
How Many Bales of Alfalfa Obtained From 1 Decare?
On average, 10-12 alfalfa bales, each weighing 18-20 kilos, can be taken from 1 decare of land. When the necessary maintenance conditions are met, 20-25 clover bales can be obtained from one decare in the harvests after the first harvest.
How Many Kilos of Clover Seed are Planted per Acre?
In planting with seeders, 8 to 12 kilograms of alfalfa seeds are used per acre. For sowing by sprinkling, 16 kilograms of clover seeds per acre will be sufficient.
How Many Kilos of Clover Obtained From 1 Acre?
Approximately 4 to 12 tons (4000-12000 kilograms) of green clover can be obtained from one acre on each harvest. If it is aimed to obtain dry clover, the yield is 1200 to 1600 kilos per acre.
How Many Bales of Alfalfa Taken From 1 Acre?
On average, 40-48 alfalfa bales, each weighing 18-20 kilos, can be taken from 1 acre of land. When the necessary maintenance conditions are met, 80-100 clover bales can be obtained from one acre in the harvests after the first harvest.
How Many Kilos of Clover Seed are Planted in 1 Hectare?
In planting with seeders, 20 to 30 kilograms of alfalfa seeds are used per hectare. For sowing by sprinkling, 40 kilograms of clover seeds per hectare will be sufficient.
How Many Kilos of Clover Produced From 1 Hectare?
Approximately 10 to 30 tons (10000-30000 kilograms) of green clover can be obtained from one hectare on each harvest. If it is aimed to obtain dry clover, the yield is 3000 to 8000 kilos per hectare.
How Many Bales of Clover are Prodeced From 1 Hectare?
On average, 100-120 clover bales, each weighing 18-20 kilos, can be taken from 1 hectare of land. When the necessary maintenance conditions are met, 200-250 clover bales can be obtained from one hectare in the harvests after the first harvest.
How Many Times is Clover Harvested a Year?
The yield of alfalfa varies according to the structure of the soil, fertilization and irrigation. Although it may vary according to the region where the planting is made, clover can usually be harvested 4 times a year.
How Many Years Does Clover Live?
Alfalfa is a herbaceous perennial plant. When a quality seed type is selected, once clover is planted by providing the necessary climate and maintenance conditions, yields can be obtained up to 5 to 7 years.
When to Plant Alfalfa?
Clover can be planted in autumn in regions where the Mediterranean climate is dominant, and in spring in cooler climatic regions.
How Long Does It Take to Grow Clover?
The first sprouts appear about 8-12 days after planting. The first harvest can be done approximately 60-65 days after sowing.
How to Plant Alfalfa?
Alfalfa seeds are sown by tractors and machines in rows or by hand-spreading. The sowing depth should be approximately 0.5-1 cm, and the distance between the rows should be 20 cm or less. Many farmers add a phosphorus fertilizer to their alfalfa seeder because a lack of phosphorus inhibits root growth of plants. Therefore, it is extremely important to analyze the soil before planting. In order not to adversely affect the quality, yield and life of the alfalfa, the area to be planted should be smooth. The field should be cleaned of weeds and the seed bed should be pressed with a roller.
How is Clover Watered?
Although alfalfa is a drought tolerant plant, it will need certain levels of soil moisture for high yields. As a rule, the moisture content of the soil should never be below 50%. During the development period, irrigation can be done with release or sprinkler systems as soon as the soil dries. Usually the last watering takes place 3-10 days before harvest. Clover doesn’t need a lot of watering, but if watering isn’t done during the summer and subsequent drought periods, most alfalfa plants will be damaged and destroyed. Excessive irrigation also causes disease in plants. Therefore, timely and adequate irrigation should be done.
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