What is Good for Constipation in Babies?
Aralık 12, 2021
What is the remedy for constipation in babies? What helps constipation in babies? How do you relieve constipation in babies? What foods are good for constipation in babies? What home remedy for constipation in babies? How to make feces softer? What is good for constipation in babies? And many similar questions are frequently asked by parents who encounter this problem.
Constipation in Babies
Constipation in infants is a serious concern for parents. This condition can sometimes become chronic and normal bowel functions can only return after a few months. It is normal for the baby to adapt to different types of food. You can solve the constipation problem in babies with some methods without using drugs. However, for serious constipation problems, a doctor should be consulted.
What is Good for Constipation in Babies?
» Massage
Massaging the baby’s stomach area can stimulate bowel movements and relieve gas and pain in the abdomen. Constipation problems decrease in children who are massaged twice a day for 2 weeks, for 15 minutes each time. For massage, you can apply cream or oil to the baby’s stomach. Place your finger in the baby’s belly button and move it in a clockwise circular motion.
» Warm Bath
A warm bath helps to relax the intestinal muscles; and in this way, it can provide smoother bowel movements. Mild heat penetrates the body, stimulating blood circulation and relaxing contracted muscles.
» Probiotic Baby Food
Probiotic baby foods can prevent constipation. Probiotics contain live bacterial strains similar to the bacteria living in the bowel. In this way, they can be used as a preventive measure for constipation.
» Prunes and Apple Juice
Fruit juices such as pear, prune and apple juice help soften feces in babies. You can give diluted juices to children over six months old. Here’s how you can make prune juice at home: Mix one part prunes and five parts water. Cook the mixture for about four hours, remove the seeds from the plums and stir some more. Then strain the mixture and give the water to the child, not excessively.
How to Prevent Constipation in Babies?
Preventing the formation of constipation is as important as eliminating existing constipation.
» Exercise
Regular physical exercises aid digestion and bowel movement. You can have it made leg exercises like riding a bicycle to baby. You should encourage the baby to crawl and move more. You should encourage toddlers to walk after meals. Gas, pain and constipation complaints are less common in moving babies.
» Diet
Fibers in food are not digestible and are therefore necessary for bulky feces. They also soften the feces by absorbing water. Fiber-rich foods include fruits, soft cooked vegetables, oatmeal, cereals, whole-grain bread or muffins, corn and yogurt. It is recommended to stay away from fruit juices, as they do not contain much fiber and instead contain concentrated fruit sugars. You should gradually increase the fiber content in your child’s diet.
» Fluid Intake
The most common cause of constipation in infants is lack of fluid intake. Adequate fluid consumption is very important to prevent babies from becoming constipated. Babies should be given enough milk, as it contains all the necessary nutrients and about eighty percent of the water. Children over the age of eighteen months should be given plenty of water. Also; You can also give crushed fruits to children, as they have a high amount of water, fiber and nutritious content.
Toilet Training for Kids
When does toilet training start in toddlers? Most children are qualified for toilet training, between the ages of one and a half to two and a half years, with appropriate physical development and readiness for training. When potty training is started in young children, constipation may occur. This may be due to reluctance to use the toilet due to stress or being in a different environment, such as a nursery or a foreign home. Therefore, it is necessary to be patient while giving toilet training to children.
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