What is Good for Cracked Heels?
Nisan 6, 2022
What is good for cracked heels at home? What is best for cracked heels? What is best for cracked feet? What is the remedy for cracked heels? What is the cure for cracked heels? What is the treatment for cracked heels? What is best remedy for cracked heels? What is applied to the crack of the heel? How treat cracked foot? How to heal heel cracks? How to treat cracked heels? What causes heel cracks? Heel cracks are caused by which vitamin deficiency? And many similar questions are frequently asked by people who encounter this problem.
What Causes Heel Cracks?
The most common cause of heel cracks is insufficient hydration of the feet. The skin on the bottom of the foot is usually dry and rough. This is due to the low level of sebaceous and sweat glands in the heel skin. The oil in the skin normally supports the skin, in this way the skin will be soft and does not dry out. In addition, the entire weight of the body is loaded on the feet. This can tire the feet and cause them to wear out. Heel crack is a complaint that develops on the sole of the foot due to insufficient moisture, constant pressure and friction. These cracks may become deeper and more painful in the future. And unfortunately, many people neglect their foot health.
Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Cracked Heels?
Vitamin B deficiency, iron deficiency and estrogen deficiency accelerate the formation of heel cracks. In women, after menopause, due to estrogen deficiency, skin dryness and cracks in the body increase. Heel cracks can also develop depending on this situation.
What is Good for Cracked Heels?
Before applying any method, the feet must be cleaned. The best time to practice the methods is just before going to sleep. For a good result, the method should be applied regularly. These methods may not give positive results in every patient, so people who cannot heal should definitely see a doctor.
» Honey
It gives moisture to the skin and helps to treat dry and cracked heels. Add two tablespoons of milk to a cup of warm honey and mix the mixture until it becomes a paste. Cover cracked heels with this paste and leave it overnight, rinse it off the next day. Use this method every night for a month for soft and repaired heels.
» Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is effective in removing cracks and preventing bad odors. Fill a bowl with warm water. Add half a teacup of apple cider vinegar to it. Soak your feet in this water for 15 minutes.
» Shea Butter
It is good for deeply moisturizing rough or chapped skin. Before going to bed on cracked heels, apply a small amount of shea butter and allow the moisturizer to penetrate deep into the skin. This method should be applied for a long time for a positive result.
» Banana
Banana has moisturizing properties. After peeling two ripe bananas, mash them into a paste and apply to your heels. Soak for about 10 minutes, then wash your feet with warm water. Multiple applications of this method make the heels softer and smoother.
» Rice Flour
Small grains of rice flour gently cleanse dry skin and deep-seated dirt without exacerbating cracks. In addition, rice flour helps to provide essential minerals for a healthier skin. Add a few drops of honey to some rice flour and mix them until they form a thick paste. Then apply this paste on the affected area and massage gently to remove dead skin. Afterwards, wash your feet with warm water and apply a generous amount of moisturizer all over.
» Rolled Oats
You can also use soothing lotions containing oat extracts for cracked heels.
» Vaseline, Glycerin, Lemon, Carbonate, St. John’s Wort Oil, Tea Tree Oil and Avocado can also be good for heel cracks.
You can also look: Homemade Softening Cracked Heel Cream
You can also check this article: How to Prevent Heel Cracks?
What else can be good for a cracked heel? You can also share your thoughts, experiences and suggestions on this subject in the comments section…