What is Good for Ear Drainage?
Ağustos 16, 2022
What causes ear drainage? What is good for ear drainage at home? What is good for ear infection? What is good for ear discharge at home? What is good for ear discharge in babies? What are the natural remedies for ear discharge? What is good for ear infections at home? What are the herbal treatment methods for ear discharge? How to dry ear discharge? What is the cure for ear discharge? What is the treatment for ear discharge? What is the remedy for ear discharge? What is a home remedy for ear discharge? And many similar questions are frequently asked by people who encounter this problem.
What Causes Ear Discharge?
Ear discharge is quite common and can occur in people of all age groups, including infants and children. Discharge from one ear can be a sign of several conditions, depending on the type of fluid. Unusual discharge can be caused by ruptured eardrum, injury, swimmer’s ear (outer ear infection), ear irritation, trauma to the ear canal, or a middle ear infection. Along with the discharge, pain, a feeling of heaviness in the ear and a general discomfort can also be seen. Treatment of ear discharge depends on the cause of the discharge. Mild and acute ear discharge can be treated at home with some methods. However, if the discharge does not go away within a few days or if there is a bad odor along with the discharge, a doctor should be consulted.
What is Good for Ear Drainage at Home?
» Onion
It is effective against infections in the ear. Extract the juice of one small onion. Then heat this water until it is lukewarm. Drop 2-3 drops into the ear that with discharge. Wait 5 minutes and then tilt your head to the side to drain the liquid.
» Garlic
It cuts the discharge by treating the infection. Crush 2-3 cloves of garlic and extract the juice. Drop 3-4 drops into the ear with a dropper. Wait 5 minutes and then dry the ear. Repeat this twice a day for a few days. When the garlic juice starts to get treated the infection, the discharge from the ear will also decrease.
» Basil
It fights infection and relieves pain. Wash 4-5 basil leaves thoroughly and extract the juice by crushing them. Then heat this water until it is lukewarm. Instill 2-3 drops into the affected ear. Repeat this process twice a day for a few days.
» Neem
Neem oil treats middle ear infection, relieves pain. With a dropper, put 2-3 drops of neem oil in the affected ear. Wait for 10-15 minutes and then tilt the head to the side to remove the liquid. Repeat this process two to three times a day for fast results.
» White Vinegar and Alcohol
White vinegar is effective against infection in the middle ear. Also, alcohol encourages the evaporation of the fluid that has accumulated inside the ear. Mix equal amounts of white vinegar with pure alcohol and pour this mixture into an ear dropper. Lie down with the affected ear facing up. Put 2-4 drops of the mixture in the ear and wait for 10 minutes. Then rotate yourself so that the affected ear is down to allow the fluid to drain.
» Breast Milk
Breast milk reduces infection, swelling and pain. You can drip 2-3 drops of breast milk into the infected ear.
How to Naturally Get Rid of Ear Discharge at Home?
» Hot Compress
Heat promotes fluid flow and helps relieve pain. Dip a clean cloth in hot water and wring out excess water. Place the damp cloth over the ear for 2-5 minutes and then tilt the head to the side to allow the fluid to flow. Repeat this process as needed. As an alternative, you can lay the head on a heating pad wrapped in a towel at regular intervals for a few minutes.
» Steam Inhalation
Steam helps open the eustachian tube to encourage the flow of fluid trapped in the ear. Put boiling water in a large bowl and add a few drops of eucalyptus or another essential oil to it. Place a towel over your face and inhale the steam slowly for 5-10 minutes. Tilt your head to the side so that the fluid in the ear drains out. Repeat this process as needed.
» Gravity
In the case of ear discharge, all fluid buildup in the ear should be removed. The best way to do this is to use gravity. After washing your hands, tilt the head to the side so that the affected ear is parallel to the ground. Put a finger in the ear and try to create a vacuum to help the fluid out. You can use a cotton swab or towel to clean the discharge. Never insert a cotton swab or finger into the ear.
How to Prevent Ear Discharge?
If there is a discharge in the ear, it is necessary to provide the discharge and drain the fluid accumulated in the ear. The drainage should not be tried to be prevented, the main problem causing the discharge should be eliminated. The cause of discharge in the ear is usually infections. Therefore, it would be appropriate to look at how to prevent ear infections.
- To remove earwax, the cotton swab should not be inserted into the ear.
- While cleaning the nose, it should be blown gently from the nose in order not to put pressure on the eardrum.
- The ears should not be touched too often, and pointed objects or fingers should not be inserted into them.
- Ears should not be exposed to cold and wind.
- Care should be taken not to get water into the ear while bathing.
- Earplugs should be worn while swimming, and after swimming, the head should be shaken to remove any remaining water.
You can also look: Causes and Treatment for Ear Drainage
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